The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) published 2023 Draft Amendments to the Geographical Indication Rules 2002, in the Gazette of India on October 20, inviting objections and suggestions from the relevant stakeholders. The draft also calls for comments from stakeholders within 30 days of its publication in the Gazette.
The Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) and the Controller General of Patent, Designs and Trademark (CGPDTM) announced it on their website on October 27, 2023 i.e. after a week of its original publication.
At a quick glance, the draft amendment brings significant changes in the prescribed fees under Schedule 1 of the GI Rules, 2002, which inter alia includes reducing the fees for filing an application seeking registration of a GI from INR 5000 to INR 1000 and reducing the fees for filing an application for additional protection from INR 25000 to INR 12000.
These objections and suggestions are to be submitted within thirty days of its publication in the Gazette of India, ie by November 19, 2023.
Relevant links are reproduced below:-
2023 Draft Amendments to the GI Rules