The Sci-Hub/Libgen case continues to generate interest from researchers across the country. We’re pleased to bring you another guest post on this issue, this time one that showcases the results of a ‘mini survey’ on users of Sci-Hub, as well as highlights the lack of empirical evidence in these debates. This post is co-authored by Anshuman Sahoo and Aditi Shirpurkar. Anshuman is a 2nd year LL.M. student at Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law, IIT Kharagpur. He regularly writes at He’d also written a guest post titled ‘Fluid Trademarks: A Prologue to Trademark Law Going Awry?‘ for us last year. Aditi is an engineer-turned-lawyer currently pursuing LL.M. at the same law school.
Readers can find our previous posts on and around the Sci-Hub/Libgen case here.
The Sci-Hub Case: Why It is Time to Stop Favouring the Doctrinal Approach to Law over an Empirical One
Anshuman Sahoo & Aditi Shirpurkar
We, humans, love stories; so much so that we built our whole social, cultural, and economic structures around fictional stories. The story of democracy, the story of justice, the story of nation-states, and the list keeps growing. We can’t touch ‘democracy’, we can’t see ‘justice’, yet we chose to believe in them – and our shared and collective belief in those stories is what gives them their power. If Yuval Noah Harari is to be believed, it is this ability to believe in abstract non-real stories that sets humans apart from other animals.
However, albeit all their awesomeness and life-changing roles, stories are stories, after all. They are essential in shaping our collective actions as a society, but their role is instrumental only and must never be the absolute goals. As a society, we chose to believe in certain stories because they make our lives easier – because they’re means to a desirable end – not because they’re an end in themselves.
However, the distinction between stories as instruments of collective cooperation and stories as an end in themselves often gets blurred. Priorities get interchanged, and policymakers end up acting like marionettes; lawmakers come up with legislations that promote rent seeking by the elite few at the cost of social welfare, and economists try hard to justify such policies. Intellectual Property laws are a case in point, and the Sci-Hub case exposes only the tip of the iceberg.
This article is an attempt at relooking the stories our legal doctrines have been telling us. In this article, we discuss the data collected from a mini-survey conducted by us involving researchers and students from some of the ‘elite’ institutes in India, including IISc Bangalore, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Guwahati, IIT Bombay, NLU Delhi, NLSIU Bangalore etc. The survey was snowballed in between 22 December 2020 to 2 January 2021, and was able to garner 212 responses in this short span of time. While such a small number cannot be claimed to be representational of the population under study, this is at least worth examining further, given the interesting findings. The survey questionnaire focused only on Sci-Hub dependence of the respondents, and didn’t include other means of unauthorized/illegal access such as Libgen, #icanhazpdf (Twitter), or other shadow libraries. Given sufficient time and resources, a more holistic study with a representative sample will definitely be more insightful.
Having survey respondents from the ‘elite’ institutes was a significant aspect for us since it implied at least two things. First, it meant that we covered a population that is, at least in theory, a primary beneficiary of copyright law, as elite institutes carry on much of the significant research and publishing work in the country – and copyright law has the primary goal of encouraging such creative endeavours. Second, having respondents from elite institutes meant that we are crossing past the ‘unequal distribution’ problem of copyright by focusing largely on a population that is expected to have the best infrastructure and resources in the country. (For those interested, results of the survey are available here)
Data Tells a Different Story
Elite Institutes
Out of the total 212 responses, 154 responses (72.64%) were obtained from respondents who have studied or are studying in Institutes having NIRF ranking above 10, which implies that the respondents belong to highly esteemed and infrastructurally developed institutes.
Age group and stage of education of Respondents
115 respondents (54.2% of the total) belong to the age group of 25-35 years and 88 respondents (41.5%) belong to the 18-25 age group. The age group points towards a population with maturity in terms of studies and research. 91 respondents (42.9%) have either completed their Master’s degree or are pursuing a Master’s degree, while 87 respondents are research scholars or have been research scholars. This percentage indicates that most of the respondents have some research experience since their educational level requires basic to advance research skills.
Number of publications
Majority of the respondents (73.6%) have less than 2 published research papers, this implies that a majority of the respondents have limited experience in the publication of research papers or are at a nascent stage of research. However, about 20% of respondents have a considerable number of publications (about 2-5 publications), which indicated experienced researchers.
Accessing resources through Sci-Hub
A total of 140 (66%) respondents highly depend on Sci-hub (respondents who have rated their dependence as somewhere between 8-10, on a scale of 0 to 10) for accessing paid resources. Although 51.9% of respondents access authorised subscriptions for research papers, the percentage of the respondents dependent on Sci-Hub imply that some of the resources are not even accessible through authorised subscriptions. The percentage of respondents dependent on
Sci-hub for direct access is also considerable at 48.1%, which indicates that a substantial portion of the respondents directly depends for access to resources on Sci-Hub. Quite interestingly, this 48.1% share springs alone from Sci-Hub, even when other illegal sources like Libgen and shadow libraries aren’t considered. The combined share of such illegal open access platforms is expected to be even higher.
Dependence on Sci-Hub during Covid-19 lockdown period
During the Covid-19 lockdown period, many students had limited access or negligible access to their institute’s resources. The increase in respondents’ dependence on Sci-hub for accessing resources indicates the need to depend on open resources/libraries like Sci-Hub.
164 respondents (77.3%) indicated that they highly depend on Sci-Hub for accessing paywalled resources during the Covid-19 lockdown, a 10% increase over the pre-pandemic scenario. The absolute reliance (ie, rating of 10) on Sci-Hub has also risen during the lockdown period, implying that students have relied more on Sci-Hub during this period. Also, the percentage of respondents using Sci-hub to directly access a resource has seen a considerable rise of 22.7 per cent, indicating the difficulty in accessing authorised resources.
Sci-Hub as the only available platform with access to certain literature
62.2% of the respondents most frequently used Sci-Hub only when they didn’t have access through their institutions. This points towards the fact that Indian institutes do not have sufficient subscriptions of the paid/legal means of accessing research literature.
Only a quarter of the respondents (25.4 %), have frequently borrowed credentials from a friend from other institutes to access resources. This indicates that students are most likely to prefer open resources/libraries like Sci-hub for accessing resources when authorised resources are not accessible, rather than depending on other friends to share his/her credentials for accessing the necessary resources. This is also indicative that some resources are either difficult to access
through authorised subscriptions, or the ease of access through Sci-Hub in such cases is much higher. A better explanation, however, could be that the even the participants’ friends’ universities did not have the required subscription to start with. This points towards the fact that the lack of paid subscriptions is an issue that concerns almost all the Indian universities.
Of Stories and Doctrines
The legal battle that we are witnessing between ‘illegal sci-hub‘ and ‘legal copyright holders‘ is indeed a battle between two versions of the same story – the story of society’s creative welfare. On one side, we have a bunch of well-crafted legal fictions about how creative works are to be promoted all the while ensuring public access to the created works. While the legal fictions used in telling this side of the story have diverse origins, most of them can be traced back either to Locke or to the American economists, lawyers and CEOs in the 1980s and 90s. There are two prominent features of this side of the story. First, they have wide acceptance amongst the lawyers, judges, academicians, policymakers etc. Second, they are not backed by any sort of empirical evidence.
The other side of the story has a relatively recent emergence. It has little backing from any legal doctrine or fiction, except for utilitarianism. This side of the story, however, is highly empirical and is supported by the numbers. It looks at the doctrines critically and trusts numbers and data above all others. The origin of this side of the story can be traced back to handful of academicians and scholars in recent decades who tried to take a scientific approach to law and policy. (See for e.g. here, here, here and here).
The contrast between the two sides of the story becomes clearly visible in countries like India where the copyright law is largely imported rather than indigenously developed. In such imported legal systems, the battle between the doctrines and the ground realities turn fierce. As the above data analysis suggests, the ground realities in Indian universities are far from what is envisaged by the law. Students from even the best of the institutes are heavily reliant on unauthorised (supposedly illegal) sources to access educational materials – and this should be taken to be only the tip of the iceberg, since the study doesn’t even go into the problems faced by other stakeholders such as independent researchers, not-so-rich institutes, researchers with disabilities etc. In such cases, it is pertinent to ask whether the creativity incentivisation goal of the copyright law and policy is being adequately balanced with the public access goal of copyright.
The mismatch between legal doctrines (in Indian copyright law) and ground realities in India spring from multiple factors. First, the importation of legal doctrines from the US and EU countries has often not been considerate of the domestic needs. Second, the Indian legal education divorces legal studies from policy studies. In ignoring the crucial and complimentary link between lawyers and policymakers, it discourages domestic policy innovations. Third, the mismatch seems to be a universal issue when it comes to doctrinal legal systems. Inside doctrinal legal systems, rent-seeking becomes the norm. Often, sophisticated power elites capture the democratic procedures in policy making, and use them to tilt the doctrines in their favour. And once a doctrine/law is persuaded successfully, the trend perpetuates.
Which Story to Believe?
Legal doctrines give law its stability and predictability, which are significant must-haves of any legal system. However, it is equally important to critically assess the arguments that legal doctrines put forward. When arguing without any empirical backing, doctrines tend to hide behind the cloaks of vague policy terms like ‘equality’ and ‘efficiency’ even when the only thing they’re doing is imposing welfare costs on the society. And it is easy to believe them because they appeal to ideologies. Ideologies make us blind to the reality, doctrines serve the status quo; we know this from history.
In such a scenario, more and more data on ground realities seem to be the only solution. We, as a society, need more legal scholars willing to collect and compile data on ground realities. While certain policy think tanks and NGOs seem to be doing the job, their efforts are far from sufficing a population of 1.3 billion. In addition to scholars, we need lawyers and judges to culminate a culture of empirical analysis in the courtrooms. With sufficient ground data in our arsenal, we can positively shape and bargain policies not only in the domestic but also the supranational legal systems.
Authors’ note: We would like to acknowledge Swaraj Barooah for his inputs on this piece.